Friday, January 29, 2010

An Interesting Week!

Hello Family and Friends,

I hope and pray that everyone is doing well! Once again I want to thank all of you deeply for your prayers and support. I love and miss all of you all. I really miss my beautiful fiancĂ©e, Jamie Nicole Benedict! I also miss her cooking…haha.

This has been an interesting and exciting week. At the beginning of the week the teenagers started their counseling sessions. In these sessions they learned Life Skills and more about who God is. The house-moms and “mzungus” (missionaries) were allowed to come. This was a time for the teenagers to be open and ask authentic and real questions about life, sex, relationships, and God. There were more topics but these were the four main topics that were talked about. I taught the devotions in the morning and in the afternoon. The time schedule for the counseling sessions was from 10 AM – 3 PM. I talked about Creation – Christ. I can honestly tell you that the words I spoke were ALL from God! I think the one thing I am learning is that God is POWER!! This afternoon the teenagers had the opportunity to ask me questions about the Bible. O Boy, did they ever ask thought provoking questions, which is good because I have told them that I want them to start using their minds. I had trouble with three questions and here they are. Tell me your thoughts please (Of course I am going to do my homework, but I want to know what you all think.)

1. In the beginning there was Adam and Eve. They had two sons, Cain and Abel. How did Cain get a wife? Where did the wife come from?

2. Where did Africans come from? Why do people have different color skin? Is it the sun that changes the skin color?

3. Paul said in his epistles that deacons are supposed to be “husband of one wife.” Then, why does Paul talk about women were deaconess? Did Paul contradict himself?

4. Is being jealous a sin? If it is, then why does the Bible say that God is jealous for us? Does the Bible contradict itself?

Those were good questions huh? I had so much fun talking to the teens this week! The holiday break is almost over and the teenagers go back to school next week.

On Wednesday I went with our pastor into the village. It was very interesting and heart moving. We talked to about seven people. The first guy that we talked to was a former Muslim, but now he told us that he is “born again!” It was very good talking to him and we invited him to the GSF chapel on Sunday. As we were heading back we talked to two women who accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour!! How Amazing is that!!! Praise God for that!! [The most awkward moment while I was in the village - while I was talking to these women and our pastor, Michael was translating in Luganda, one of the women just flopped out her breast to breast-feed her little boy. I have never felt so awkward in my life before…haha!!! However, Praise God that these two women are truly daughters of Our King!!! We also talked to the grandmother of the first guy that we talked to (Daniel) and she wanted us to take her little grandchildren to church because she is too old to be saved. She also said that she does not sin (Of course they were talking in Luganda, but Michael translated for me). Then, when I heard that she did sin, I was like what..then I took out my Bible and read her the famous verse, “ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” She then, changed her answer to yes, I do sin, but I don’t have to be saved. This woman had so many fallacies in her thinking. All of that to say I had a great time in the village and will probably go out again to another village next Wednesday.

The nurse (Julie) that was here for 6 months left earlier this afternoon, so it is just me at the guesthouse. Today has been a great day, but I find myself really drained and tired. I ask that you pray that God will continue to give me strength everyday and that He will use me! Thank you all very much for your time and prayers! I pray that God truly blesses all of you!

I Love You, Jamie! Stay strong my love!

-In Christ Alone,

Saturday, January 23, 2010

O' the Joy of Hitting a Red Balloon!

Hello Family and Friends,

I hope and pray that everyone is doing well! I am doing great and learning more and more about who God is! Yesterday at Holiday Camp, my job was to watch over some of the little ones. They were having so much fun. It was a great joy to see them smiling. Matt (the Aussi) gave them a red balloon to play with and I was thinking how in the world can a balloon satisfy their desire for entertainment. Oh, but it did. These children were having the time of their life! They were jumping up and trying to hit the red balloon. They were lauging and smiling. If you really think about it, these children actually understood it. They understood the simplicity of having a red balloon and the excitement that comes with owning a balloon. Isn't that what it is supposed to like look when a person follows Christ. I think the Bible is clear and simple of what a "disciple" is supposed to look like. I think the Bible is clear and simple of what Christ commands His children. We complicate things way too much. We try to come up with all of this theology of what it means to truly follow Christ. We now have bibles with a Hebrew-Greek dictionary in the back to help us understand what some of the words mean. I think that is great, but could it be that following Christ is as simple as reading the Bible. Jesus Christ, himself even said for us to have faith like a child. I agree that Christians should move from milk to meat, but why is it that we try to complicate things. If there is a command in the Bible, then we are supposed to obey it period. If Christ commands us to go into all the ethnic people groups and make disicples, then why aren't we doing it. If Christ demands and desires "all of us" then why is it that we only give Him half of us (our leftovers). Being a true disicple of Jesus Christ should not be that hard to understand. We need to stop complicating things and lose our lives for Christ. O the joy of hitting a red ballon! O the joy of being a disicple of Jesus Christ! O the joy of the simplicity of both! (God just revealed this to me from watching 4 boys having fun hitting a single, red balloon.)
This week has been a great week! Me and two other missionaries took our teenagers to Sipi Falls in the eastern part of Uganda. I think it was great for the teens to see part of their country that they have never seen before. Many of them gave praise to God for allowing them to see a waterfall for the first time. They had so much fun! I tried to make them understand that God who is the Creator (The Creator God) made and formed all of this especially for them to see and enjoy. We went on a hike; however, I just went on the 2 hour hike, which was completely crazy. Let me just say that if we did this type of hike in the states we would of had permission from the parents. It was crazy, but fun! This was a great time for all of the teenagers and I praise God for giving GSF the funds to do that activity. Yesterday at our weekly meeting time, I shared with the teens that if we call ourselves "Christians" or a "Disicple of Christ" then we to give God ALL of our lives, not just pieces, not just portions....ALL OF IT! That was a convection that I have had because I call myself a Christian and say that I love God, but do I truly give Him my All? Do I truly give Him everything? Or, do I give Him my LEFTOVERS?! What about you? Are you giving a Holy God everything that you have (basically, all of your life) OR are you just giving a Holy God your leftovers?
Tomorrow I am going to speak on Romans 3. The part where Paul states that "everyone is condemned." Pray that God will give me the words to say and that it will not be my own words. Pray that God will use me. Thank you all for all of your encouragment and prayers! I thought I would say that, I am getting married in 4 months!! Praise God!! I love and miss all of you, espeically you, Jamie Nicole Benedcit!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

End of Week 3

Hello Family and Friends,

I hope all is well with everyone! I hope and pray that you enjoy your weekend. I also hope and pray that you take going to a building and meeting with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ seriously. If you get to teach God's Word, just remember that it is no joke at all. I have been learning that.
My week has been great! God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good! (That is a famous slogan here at GSF). However, if you think about it, it's really true. God is good to us not because He owes us anything, but it is in His nature. I think it's amazing of how good of a God we serve! My time with the teenagers has been great thus far. I do not know what you want to call it. Mark calls it "Bible Study." I call it "A Time of Disicpleship with Amazing Teenagers." We meet on MWF from 3-4pm in what is called, "The Prayer Hut." I told them that I will be in the hut for an hour and if they want to come, then come but if they don't want to, then don't come. I am not going to force them to come. The first day we met there about 12 or 13, but now it's like about 7 or 8 that meet. I was wishing more would come out, but Amy (wife of a missionary at GSF) told me not to worry because probably if the others came, then they would probably be a distraction. I think she is right. I have noticed a seriousness for the ones that come. The first step of disicpling is "Selection." I thought that I have already selected my people because I am at an orphanage, but it seems that the Holy Spirit selected the teenagers for me. Wow! Our time so far has been great. I have been asking some thought provoking questions, such as In your own words what is a Christian? What do Christians look like? Why become a Christian? How can we tell if someone is really a Christian? What is Truth? Even though they are on "Holiday" I want them to start using their mind and actually think about things. Some of the answers that I have gotten are really "churchie" and "religious". On the other hand, I have gotten some really good answers. My prayer for the teenagers is that they realize what it truly means to follow God and then do it. My prayer for the teeangers is that when they return to school that they will start impacting the lives of their friends and classmates, and even teachers. I going to show one of the girls how to disicple someone and how to choose or select someone to disciple. My prayer for the teeangers is that they will grow up and be World Changers! I ask that you partner in prayer with me. Thank you!
On Thursday, me and the two Aussies took the 5-12 year olds to a theme park in Kampala. It is called DeeDees World. They have roller coasters and the big boat that tips up and down. I road that one with some children and got sick to my stomach...haha. This was a day of fun for the little ones. I am glad that we had to the chance to take them. They all had so much fun! On the way back, one of the girls threw up and, which was gross!
Tomorrow I will be going over Romans 2 during Sunday School for the teenagers. Please pray that God will give me the words to say and that He will just use me. The internet at GSF has been really slow so that is why I am just now updating my blog. You guys are so awesome! Stay strong in the faith! Love you all very much!

-In Christ Alone,
Chandler Sharpe

Saturday, January 9, 2010

End of Week 2

Hello Family and Friends,

I hope all is well with you all! I hope that everyone has had a productive week. I can honestly say that I miss all of you, especially you, Jamie!
This week has been hard and good at the same time. I have had a hard time staying focus, but God is not giving up on me. It has been good because I have had a great time being with the children this time around. It has been a great time laughing, and playing soccer with the children. The children call me Santa Clause...haha. Even some of the little girls have called me fat and told me that I need to jog around GSF every day..haha. Gotta love children and their sense of humor. Yesterday, was my first time meeting with the teenagers. We met in a small hut that used to be a classroom. I belive it was a good time to talk and hang out with them. We talked about their dreams and what they wanted to be. I wish that everyone could meet these teenagers. They have so much potential and some of them are oblivious and clueless to the idea that God could even use them. We are going to meet 3 days a week for 1 hour. I am going to try to use some things out of the Word of Life book, however, we shall see how that goes. The children/teenagers have been on holiday since Novemember and some of them do not even want to use their minds.
A couple of days ago, I e-mailed Jamie and told her that I feel the spiritual attack here more than the states. Satan is trying to distract me with some things from my past. However, I am not going to give up. I have realized that I am WARRIOR of Jesus Christ! One thing I am learning is that it is God who can only be my strength, stastify all of my desires, and be there for me when there is no one else. It is God who never leaves me at all! I am sorry this post is short and all over the place. I just wanted inform my professor, Matt Rawlins that I am actually doing things at GSF. I will try to write more later on next week and will make sure that things are not all over the place. I have so much on my mind right now.
Just to let you know that the wedding has moved to Lynchburg instead of New York. Thus, I am gettin married in 4 1/2 months (May 22, 2010 in Lynchburg, VA). Love all of you all!


Monday, January 4, 2010

Don't know what to call this post, so this is actually the title!

Hello Family & Friends,

This is my journal entry on January 2:

I don't know why I feel so lonely. I feel so alone even among the children that I have known for 2 1/2 years. I just don't know. I think the only thing that can keep me going right now is dwelling on your promises.

1. You will never leave me.
2. You will never forsake me.
3. You will never turn your back against me.
4. You will never abandon me.
5. You are always with me (Matthew 28:20).
6. All things are possible with you Father.
7. You remain in me i've got to remain in you.
8. You complete my life!

I have to realize that You have the best interest for my life. I may know what I want my life to look like, but you have a better understanding of what the rest of my life looks like. I'm tired and sore from playing soccer yesterday. Father, my hope rests in you. You are the only ONE that I can rely on! Please be my strength today! I can do nothing w/o you!"

I will start tomorrow doing my work. I will be playing soccer with the boys 1 hour in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. One of the things I am excited about is that I get to disciple the teenagers probably 2 or 3 times a week. Mark told me that they just got back from Word of Life camp and are still excited and pumped up about learning more about Christ. Get this...I will be actually using discipleship material from Word Of Life...who would of thought, huh! I will also be helping the couple from Australia that is at GSF until the end of January. They will actually be doing fun and organized activities for the children.

I have to say that I miss Jamie terribly, but I am learning that I need to trust more in God, who is also known as The Good Shepherd! Please continue to life up the orphanage is your prayers (Good Shepherds Fold Orphanage). Thank you all very much for your support and prayers. Love all of you, especially you Jamie Nicole Benedict.

-In Christ Alone,