Friday, June 22, 2007

Oh what a glorious day!

Hello My family and friends,

Once again today is such a beauitful day in the land of Africa. The air here is so beautiful and so is the land. Just to breathe each morning is so awesome and it reminds me of what an incredible God we serve and how great He is! Each morning when I wake up at 6:30 in the morning to go and encourage and pray for the secondary students (probably what we know as middle and highschool) I think to myself why am I here. Why am I here in Africa? Why am I in Jinja, Uganda? Why am I teaching the children devotions in the morning? I mean what am I worth to tell these children about respect, honour, obedience, and friendship when at the same time I myself sometimes struggle with respecting, honouring, and obeying authority. Wow! God has been working in my life with these simple concepts that I have been trying to teach the children for the past two weeks. Who would of thought? I think that is so cool to see how God works. God is changing my heart; the way I look at life and the way I look at others. I can tell you one thing God has been changing in my life is to totally run to Him and rely on Him. If you think about it we cannot rely on each other because we are such finite beings and not perfect. We are even liarss, cheaters, etc. God showed me the other day after talking to Carolyn, why do I rely on mere humans. Mere finite beings can lie to me and maybe even steal from me. You get the picture. But I think we all put to muh reliance on people than we put on Our Abba Father, Himself. It talks about in Psalm 27 that He is our stronghold. I love that word. He is our strength. He knows when we are weak. He knows when we are going to be tired and fall down. So guess what. He is right there to be our stronghold, but so many of us run to our family, friends, drugs, sex, pornography, smoking, etc. You also get this picture. We want to run to someone or even something that will comfort us. I myself have troubles running and talking to God first before I talk to anyone else, but that is how we should do it. The other day I had a problem with my Primary boys on the soccer field. They were fitting and I had to pull they off and comes to find out they were actually fighting over pencils. One boy said it was his, and they other Joshua said it was his. Oh wow! Who was I supposed to believe. Someone was lying right to my face and it hurt really bad that they would not fess up to it. And the pervious day I had talked about lying in devtions. Guys I am so serious, I had no idea who to believe! It was really hard. That was one of my discouraging times because the day before I talked about lying and talking about what the Bible said about lying and that we are commanded not to lie but these boys didn't get it. And that is when I realized wait...I need to rely on God for strength and for help. I am admiring parents every time I am in that situation. And guess what...right when I turned around a couple of the boys were hitting each other. Then I was oh man! I am through! But you know what....every time we as Christ followers do something bad and ask for forgiveness, God forgives us. And the kicker is that He LOVES us no matter what. I know I just rammbled a lot of things God has been teaching me, but dude it's cool. Gotta go because we are doing VBS with the children and then tonight we are having a bondfire! Love you and miss you all.

P.S. I do not know the date but I know it is close to my older sister's birthday. Happy Birthday Candace!! Love you and hope you enjoy your day!!

In Christ,



a Missionary surrendered to Him said...

Hey chandler wow sounds like that God is doing some amazing things in africa. I have to say that I have had my times recently where i have struggled so much to asking God why am I in Brazil? He reminds me that it is because He sent me here and that he has something He is doing but I am not seeing it just yet he is still working. I have had some ups and downs asking lots of questions about why doesen't anyone here the cries of the girls and the kids on the street I can not even begin to explain how that God is breaking my heart to understand that I have to let the plastic that I have as a person as christian melt off and let them see the light of christ in me I thought about how that as christians we hide behind the steeple so much that we do not get out to share with those that are crying out to want to here someone say save me and get me out of this I have to say that it is amazing How that God has taught me that I have to hide under that shadow of the Almighty and know that He is My strenght. I have to tell you that He is that for you to I have been praying for you so much that God will be your strenght and your all be Blessed friend Miss talking to you Praying for you Be blessed

a Missionary surrendered to Him said...

Hey chandler wow sounds like that God is doing some amazing things in africa. I have to say that I have had my times recently where i have struggled so much to asking God why am I in Brazil? He reminds me that it is because He sent me here and that he has something He is doing but I am not seeing it just yet he is still working. I have had some ups and downs asking lots of questions about why doesen't anyone here the cries of the girls and the kids on the street I can not even begin to explain how that God is breaking my heart to understand that I have to let the plastic that I have as a person as christian melt off and let them see the light of christ in me I thought about how that as christians we hide behind the steeple so much that we do not get out to share with those that are crying out to want to here someone say save me and get me out of this I have to say that it is amazing How that God has taught me that I have to hide under that shadow of the Almighty and know that He is My strenght. I have to tell you that He is that for you to I have been praying for you so much that God will be your strenght and your all be Blessed friend Miss talking to you Praying for you Be blessed

tryin2liv4him said...

I'm prayin for you. I'm so excited to hear about what God is doing in your life.

:) Nicole

Unknown said...

Chan! How ya doin brother? Sounds like God is really blessing your time there. Leigh and I love reading your blogs. We are praying for you that God will empower you by his Holy Spirit and give you his supernatural love. I know that you are loving those kids as hard as you can and that's awesome. Stay in the Word and be praying for us too as we are looking for an apartment in Newport News/Hampton. We'll be moving there end of August probably.

Well I'll let you go, I know you're busy. We're proud of you and the Morrow's say hi also (you met them at Emerald's wedding) Love ya!
