Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Not to us, O Lord, not to us!

Hello Family and Friends,

How is everyone doing? Today is my day off and I am in Jinja by myself in the Source Cafe. I really needed to be away today. I just needed a moment to breathe for a little while. The reason why I am by myself is because I need alone time even from Chad. I have no idea what Chad is doing and to be honest I do not care. Chad is leaving tomorrow to go back home and if you were to ask me if I like that I would tell you no. To be honest his attitude is like crap. For a couple of days he was lazy and doing nothing. Part of me wanted to shake him up and tell him that he is not on this trip for himself or even the orphans. He is on this journey for God and only God. He says that he knows that but his actions do not show it. He reminds me of myself when I first went to Argentina. I mean I was just out of high school and only 18 and turned 19 when I was there, but the thing is that I was young. I was still a teenager. I thought I had it altogether and knew everything but it was in Argentina when I realized that I had some growing up to do. I still have some growing up to do. I have been trying to help Chad because I have been in his shoes before. I have been homesick for about a month and a half and even went through many doubts. I thought many times that God wanted me to go back to the States and not finish but I know I made a commitment to God and to Jim and Peggy. So the only way I got through it was from the help and strength of Our Abba Father! I was not going to give up. I was going to stay there. Chad and I got into an argument about him leaving. He thinks that I am getting into his business. The only thing that I was only doing was helping my brother in Christ because I have walked in his shoes before and I wanted to help him out. I wanted to share with him the things that I have learned from my lessons. But you see the problem was that he had already made up his mind. I am not the one that can change minds and hearts, that is the work of the Holy Spirit. Just continue to pray for Chad. He is young (I mean so am I, I still have a lot of growing up to do). Just pray that Chad seeks the will of Our Abba Father and not his own! One thing that God reminded me yesterday is that "Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness." (Psalm 115:1) He reminded me that it is not to me. It is not to Chandler Sharpe. I am even not here at Jinja, Uganda for myself. I am not even here @ GSF for Bob & Carolyn. I am not even here for the orphans. I know it is even hard to say that, but that is the reality. I am here for My Abba Father. It is to Him and all about Him. It is not me for me. Chad was not even here for himself. The both of us were not even here to be good "Christ Followers." O to God's name be the glory forever!! Praise His name forever! And I am so thankful for his Love and Faithfulness! Praise His name forever! Yesterday when I read that verse I was very humbled because the preaching and the work that I have been doing has not been for myself. It has not been for the children. It has been to God to glorify His name and make his name known! Because It is NOT about me!! Life does not revolve around Joseph Chandler Sharpe. As I am writing this I wonder if Chad is going to read this when I gets home. And I think to myself I wonder if he gets mad at me. I mean he already is mad at me. And to be honest I really do not care if he gets mad at me because he and I need to learn that it is NOT to us! It is NOT about us! It is NOT to satisfy our desires! It is NOT to make a good name for us and to let people know that we have been to Africa! It is NOT about us! It is ALL about God and For God! Okay I think I am done for today. I could keep on going on and on. But I am stopping because my time is running up. But just remember that this post was not about Chad. This post was not talking rumors about Chad at all. This was not saying bad things about who is. I was just trying to get across this verse, "Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness." Psalm 115:1. I miss you all and love you all. Pray for Erin as she flies home today by herself and pray for Chad and he flies by himself tomorrow. Pray for their safety.

In Christ,


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