Friday, January 15, 2010

End of Week 3

Hello Family and Friends,

I hope all is well with everyone! I hope and pray that you enjoy your weekend. I also hope and pray that you take going to a building and meeting with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ seriously. If you get to teach God's Word, just remember that it is no joke at all. I have been learning that.
My week has been great! God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good! (That is a famous slogan here at GSF). However, if you think about it, it's really true. God is good to us not because He owes us anything, but it is in His nature. I think it's amazing of how good of a God we serve! My time with the teenagers has been great thus far. I do not know what you want to call it. Mark calls it "Bible Study." I call it "A Time of Disicpleship with Amazing Teenagers." We meet on MWF from 3-4pm in what is called, "The Prayer Hut." I told them that I will be in the hut for an hour and if they want to come, then come but if they don't want to, then don't come. I am not going to force them to come. The first day we met there about 12 or 13, but now it's like about 7 or 8 that meet. I was wishing more would come out, but Amy (wife of a missionary at GSF) told me not to worry because probably if the others came, then they would probably be a distraction. I think she is right. I have noticed a seriousness for the ones that come. The first step of disicpling is "Selection." I thought that I have already selected my people because I am at an orphanage, but it seems that the Holy Spirit selected the teenagers for me. Wow! Our time so far has been great. I have been asking some thought provoking questions, such as In your own words what is a Christian? What do Christians look like? Why become a Christian? How can we tell if someone is really a Christian? What is Truth? Even though they are on "Holiday" I want them to start using their mind and actually think about things. Some of the answers that I have gotten are really "churchie" and "religious". On the other hand, I have gotten some really good answers. My prayer for the teenagers is that they realize what it truly means to follow God and then do it. My prayer for the teeangers is that when they return to school that they will start impacting the lives of their friends and classmates, and even teachers. I going to show one of the girls how to disicple someone and how to choose or select someone to disciple. My prayer for the teeangers is that they will grow up and be World Changers! I ask that you partner in prayer with me. Thank you!
On Thursday, me and the two Aussies took the 5-12 year olds to a theme park in Kampala. It is called DeeDees World. They have roller coasters and the big boat that tips up and down. I road that one with some children and got sick to my stomach...haha. This was a day of fun for the little ones. I am glad that we had to the chance to take them. They all had so much fun! On the way back, one of the girls threw up and, which was gross!
Tomorrow I will be going over Romans 2 during Sunday School for the teenagers. Please pray that God will give me the words to say and that He will just use me. The internet at GSF has been really slow so that is why I am just now updating my blog. You guys are so awesome! Stay strong in the faith! Love you all very much!

-In Christ Alone,
Chandler Sharpe

1 comment:

midwest cpn said...

Hey Chandler! I just ran into Jamie at TRBC and she reminded me about your blog. So I just wanted to write a quick note to let you know that I am praying for you bro. I am glad to hear that you are doing well.

--Chris Dowd